23 Октября 2024 | среда | 05:06


Conscious selection of AIMS CEPA provider

Апреля 29, 2010

Julia Magomedova, Director of Technical Department of Engineering Center "ENERGOAUDITKONTROL"

Protector is on the defence of metal

Апреля 07, 2010

The advantages of galvanic protection of pipelines and reservoirs: ease of installation, efficiency, profitability, independence from the current source, the possibility of local customization. As a result, a useful metal construction serves long, and corrosion destroys an inexpensive renewed protector.

The market of transformers: preparing for growth

Февраля 24, 2010

The market transformers has enormous potential. But the real growth will begin not earlier than in one year. In this difficult period producer must not only endure, but learn new technologies and models. Otherwise, you will have a chance not to keep up with the springing up market.

Energy complex of the Middle Urals: from a reactor on fast neutrons up to energy saving.

Декабря 18, 2009

Sverdlovsk Region has always been and remains to be the energy surplus region. With total installed capacity of regional objects generation is 9000 MW, electrical load of Sverdlovsk powersystem does not exceed 7000 MW. But long-term prospects of growth of energy consumption by enterprises of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, builders, utilities require advanced development of generation and networks. The largest investment projects are in this sphere – construction of reactor BN-800 on the Beloyarsk atomic power station and PGU-410 MW with the turbine of 4-th generation on Sredneuralskaya TPP.

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