06 Марта 2025 | четверг | 18:56


The filling stations chain of OAO TATNEFT increased by 19 filling stations in 2011

Января 20, 2012

At the end of the last year the retail network of the Company included 641 filling stations with 511 of them located in the Russian Federation, while 128 stations were located in the territory of the Ukraine and 2 stations in the Republic of Belarus.

Eni awarded a new exploration license in the Barents Sea

Января 20, 2012

The area of the license covers 431 square kilometres in a water depth ranging from 400 to 450 metres.

Oil workers to cast ballots on artificial islands in the Caspian Sea

Января 19, 2012

n Atyrau region all voters have the opportunity to take part in the parliamentary elections, including more than 3 thousands oil workers on artificial islands in the Caspian Sea.

Gazprom Neft introduces Deparaffination Process at Omsk Refinery's Diesel Fuel Hydrotreatment Unit

Января 19, 2012

Omsk Oil RefineryModernisation of Omsk Oil Refinery's diesel fuel hydrotreatment unit has seen the introduction of a deparaffination process, which allows the processing of summer diesel fuel into winter diesel fuel.

TNK-BP starts first offshore drilling operations on Lan Do field development in Vietnam

Января 19, 2012

TNK-BP announced today that the Group has commenced its first offshore drilling operations on the Lan Do field development project offshore Vietnam.

Arkhenergo having completed works aimed at modernization of the Plesetsk Cosmodrome energy system

Января 19, 2012

Arkhenergo branch of IDGC of the North-West, JSC has completed reconstruction of Substation No. 102 “A” at Mirny that supplies energy to the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, the only spaceport of this country.

Lithuania has Submitted National Final Report on „Stress Tests“ at Ignalina NPP to European Commission

Января 19, 2012

State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate (VATESI) has worked out national final report of Lithuania on „Stress Tests“ which was submitted to European Commission.

TatNIPIneft Is Expanding Intellectual Property of TATNEFT

Января 19, 2012

The inventive activity of TatNIPIneft experts in the past year primarily focused on creating technologies that increase the efficiency of drilling, maintenance and repair of wells as well as on the development of new enhanced oil recovery methods.

IDGC of Volga continues works directed on strengthening of power objects’ security

Января 19, 2012

Substations are equipped by modern systems of video observation, the alarm system, the remote information transfer, new types of protective fence.

Power Machines complete the renewal of another impeller for Cheboksarskaya HPP

Января 17, 2012

Upon completion of the renewal and testing works, Power Machines OJSC has begun to ship parts and assemblies of the impeller for hydro unit No. 16 at Cheboksarskaya HPP.

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