04 Марта 2025 | вторник | 21:08


Gazprom Energoholding and TGC-1 managers on the TEC-2011 in St. Petersburg

Июня 17, 2011

The Ministry of Energy hold the conference on Problems and Perspectives of Energetic Development.

INTER RAO UES Appoints MERRILL LYNCH As Corporate Broker

Июня 16, 2011

INTER RAO UES has appointed Merrill Lynch International, an international investment bank, as its corporate broker. Merrill Lynch International will assist INTER RAO UES with increasing its effectiveness within capital markets.

Annual General Shareholders Meeting of ОАО Slavneft-Yaroslavl Mendeleyev Refinery (Rusoil)

Июня 16, 2011

The Annual General Shareholders Meeting of Open Join-Stock Company Slavneft-Yaroslavl Mendeleyev Refinery (Rusoil) has been held in Yaroslavl. The Subsidiary’s Annual Report, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement for 2010 were approved at the Meeting.

Mechel Reports Accident at Southern Urals Nickel Plant’s Roasting Workshop

Июня 16, 2011

Mechel reports an accident at the roasting workshop’s electric furnace №2 in Southern Urals Nickel Plant (Orsk, Russia), which is part of Mechel Group.

Polyarnye Zori would be ready for public hearings

Июня 16, 2011

Public hearings on preliminary materials of the EIA (environmental impact evaluation) of Kola NPP power unit No. 4 operation at 107% capacity of the reactor unit from nominal will be held.

TNK-BP and Transaero Sign a Long-Term Jet Fuel Supply Agreement

Июня 16, 2011

TNK-BP and Transaero Airlines have signed a long-term jet fuel supply agreement to improve the efficiency of the companies’ operations and further develop Russia’s oil product market.

Mechel Reports Halt of Sibirginskaya Mine at Southern Kuzbass Coal Company

Июня 16, 2011

Mechel reports the temporary halt of the Sibirginskaya mine owned by Southern Kuzbass Coal Company OAO, which is part of Mechel Mining. At the Sibirginskaya mine, a heightened level of fire gases was detected in the mined-out area of the long wall 3-1-9, which indicates self-heating of coal.

COTES performs works for the relocation project for 600 MW gas turbine power plant to be moved to a new site within Moscow

Июня 16, 2011

COTES started its work within the relocation project for a 600 MW gas turbine power plant Ogorodny – Novomoskovskaya to be moved to a new site in Moscow. The project will become the first large private generation in the Moscow region.

Expansion Project Will Make CPC Crude Pipeline System More Flexible

Июня 16, 2011

Since the beginning of this year crude oil shipment through the Caspian Pipeline Consortium system has dropped by 4.7% versus the same period of 2010.

TNK-BP Opens First BP Highway Service Stations

Июня 16, 2011

TNK-BP opened its first new-format highway service stations under the BP brand within the framework of its long-term retail business development strategy. Opening new service stations is the first step in implementing a strategy to develop highway retail sites on the European territory of Russia.

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